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Scholl is a specialist footwear brand that focuses on alleviating pain and discomfort caused by foot problems and irregularities. Due to the technical innovations that feature in all Scholl footwear, the brand has become well known for offering exceptionally comfortable and well engineered stylish products that both serve a practical purpose but also provide relief and luxury.
Over 100 years ago, a Doctor by the name of William Mathias Scholl begun working for a small footwear store. At only 17, Will became largely curious by the amount of customers he met who had hindering foot problems. He decided to enroll in medical school to learn everything he could about the human body and the foot anatomy.
Will spent a great deal of time and energy researching and growing his knowledge on bio-mechanics and became a skilled and knowledgeable doctor in everything feet. In 1912 Doctor William Scholl founded the Illinois College of Chiropody and Orthopedics and graduated from Chicago medical school at the age of 40. Following his graduation William decided to practice medicine along side the footwear business. All the skills he had acquired were applied to both the shoe business, and his medicine practice to produce unparalleled efficiency and understanding.
By 1960, William had successfully created the iconic style Pescura sandal. This legacy product featured a beech-wood foot-bed and classic Scholl buckle. This style fast became popular and remains a timeless style even today.
In 1968, William Mathias Scholl sadly passed away. The company continues to maintain the direction that William headed in, and develop innovative lines that meet his aims.
Will's motto, "early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise."